Derek A Smith

Derek A Smith
Combative Arts Expert

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Street Fighter Moves - How to Maintain Your Training Experience Through Reality Based Visualization

When I first discovered how quickly and efficiently one could learn Reality-Based Self Protection, I was a dedicated follower and practitioner ever sense.  Norm, my first sensei, explained to me that just after a couple of days of 8 hours each of intensive Reality-Based Scenario Self Protection training, I could go away easily retaining what I learned for months and months after wards, only needing a refresher course maybe every 4 to 6 months.

This revelation of easy retention fascinated me, but the question that still creeped into my head was that sooner or later, with no re-enforcement or refresher courses whatsoever, I would lose the edge of what I  learned and my skill and sharpness would inevitably dissipate - over time.  So goes the adage, "Whatever you don't use - you lose."

I asked Norm if there were any remedies that one could take to forestall the dissipation and dulling of skill from non-use over time.  He said, "Yes, there is something that you can do."  I ask, "And tell me, what is that?"  His answer was -

Daily Creative Reality-Based Visualization

The power of visualization has been known and practiced for centuries, and during the 20th century, many experiments and great books were written on the subject, documenting its awesome potential for growth, power and achievement.  Many athletes who won the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California in the year 1984, practiced daily reality-based visualization routines, that is, they practiced seeing themselves, while eyes closed for 15 minutes a day, executing perfectly their moves and winning the gold. 

Reality-based visualization creates muscle memory on the basis of "subconsciously created artificial experience".  This is based on the fact that the subconscious cannot tell the difference from a real experience and that which is imagined to be real.  If you imagine a guy who is only dressed in a bear suit to be a real bear, you will react the same as though he were a real bear if he jumps suddenly out of a bush to grab you.

The Technique Of Daily Creative Reality-Based Visualization

The technique of reality-based creative visualization is disarmingly simple:

Pick the same place and time each day.

Practice for no more than 15 minutes per day.

See yourself in your mind's eye in a fight or threat situation with the ugliest and most aggressive looking S.O.B. you can imagine, but see yourself defeating and decimating him with what you know and what you have learned.

Create this mental movie with as much detail as you can create: the smells, the sights, the sounds, the tactile sensations, the chaotic movement, etc.

Get a spiral notebook, and make a diary entry of your visualization progress every day or so.

Practice the first 21 days without missing a day.

Take a 3-day break from visualizing, and then practice another 21 days.

Keep this cycle up of visualizing 21 days followed by a rest period of 3 days from visualizing until the next time you go in for a Reality-Based Fighting refresher course with your instructor.

And now I would like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to two FREE Bonuses:

* a 12-minute TeleSeminar Audio on "How To Defeat A Mixed Martial Artist In A Real Street Fight"
* a FREE 52-Week eCourse on Secrets of Reality-Based Fighting (for a limited time only)

by simply visiting now:

You will receive both FREE Bonuses right now with guaranteed secrets of real self protection that you can apply immediately!

From Charles Prosper - The Street Fighting Sifu

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