Derek A Smith

Derek A Smith
Combative Arts Expert

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Street Fighter Moves - 3 Reasons Why Reality-Based Training is THE Antidote to the Fear of Fighting

About 3 months ago, I got an email in private from a martial artist who was studying Krav Maga.  He confided in me that though he trained with his Krav Maga techniques on a regular basis, something very strange and discouraging happened to him one night.  He was at a public place when an aggressor called him outside to fight.  And this is what he told me.  He froze like a dear caught in the headlights.  Nothing happened, but he walked away disheartened and confused and feeling like a "coward". 

I reassured him that his experience was more commonplace than he thought amongst those studying traditional martial arts.  I explained to him that he obviously was not experiencing reality-simulated fighting.  He was training in "fighting choreography" without the intense and unpredictable dynamic of a real street fight.  What he needed was reality-based training to prepare him for the real world.

3 Reasons Why Reality-Based Training Is The BEST Antidote To The Fear Of Fighting:

Reason #1 - Your Subconscious Mind "Knows" How The Fight Will End - Let us examine for a moment the dynamic of fear.  Fear is usually that of the unknown, that is, feeling that we will not be able to handle a situation.  This doubt causes a reflex action of visualizing ourselves failing and doing miserably.  Now once you train in reality-based scenarios, you "know" how each fight will end.  "You will win."  This is the belief that is engendered.  You see, believing  and "knowing"  are inseparable because knowing is just "believing" something with absolute certainty.

Reason #2 - You Get Used To The Adrenaline Rush - Whenever you sense or believe a real threat is impending, your body prepares you for danger with an adrenaline dump into your bloodstream to make you more efficient to handle the problem at hand.  The adrenaline rush cannot be avoided.  The problem is that the untrained person doesn't know what to do with it or how to handle it.  When the improperly trained person gets the adrenaline rush, he calls it "fear".  When the properly trained person gets this same adrenaline rush, he calls it "excitement" - same bodily experience only with a different label thus triggering a different psychological experience.

Reason #3 - You Usually Train With A "Non-Compliant" Partner - When you train in Traditional Martial Arts, you train with "Compliant" Partners.  What this means is that your training partner is cooperating with your technique.  He throws a punch and allows you to grab it in order to practice your counter move.  Real street aggressors are not cooperative with your techniques.  They are very, very non-compliant! 

A "Non-Compliant" training partner is instructed to attack you with surprise blows and moves, and he will resist as aggressively as possible to try his best to screw up the perfect execution of your technique.  This is what it is like in the real world, and if you can get used to training like this - you will become ready, and you will become fearless.

And now I would like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to two FREE Bonuses:

* a 12-minute TeleSeminar Audio on "How To Defeat A Mixed Martial Artist In A Real Street Fight"

* a FREE 52-Week eCourse on Secrets of Reality-Based Fighting (for a limited time only)

by simply visiting now:

You will receive both FREE Bonuses right now with guaranteed secrets of real self protection that you can apply immediately!

From Charles Prosper - The Street Fighting Sifu

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